Learn Personal Finance, Business Marketing & Entrepreneurship by a Master Instructor
When work life balance becomes survival you need Courses, Community, Growth and Grind in one Motivational Academy.
grow net Worth
gain skill
JENNY JONES, Masters Finance, Accounting,Information Systems
Financial Growth Coach
Intellectual Capital is
the New Currency
As a college graduate professor, entrepreneur, and digital marketing expert, Jenny Jones brings nearly three decades of experience to his academy.
"This is not just another platform where countless hours are wasted. If you want to go to the next level in your personal and business life you have found the right vehicle to take you there." ~Jenny Jones
Building Business Credit is a class designed to teach small business owners the fundamentals of Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 credit building techniques. You can get credit to repair one room with personal credit. You can get enough credit to rebuild an entire house with business credit.
Building Digital Real Estate is a class designed to teach entrepreneurs how to build out digital assets that produce passive income streams. Learn the blue print of creating Amazon Books, that lead to multiple streams of revenue all while sitting in your pajamas or on the beach in Cabo.
Inbound Marketing 101 is a class designed to take all of the guess work out of marketing your business. Facebook Marketing, YouTube, Blogging, Google Local Business, and more is found in this lesson. Your business will never be the same after you start moving your budget in the right areas.